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At home with Liza Chloë van Duyn

In our new series ‘At home with’ we visit the places of people who inspire us to give you a peek inside their daily lives at home. Today, we’re visiting the home of Liza Chloë van Duyn. Liza is a fashion and lifestyle photographer who lives together with her boyfriend and their two cats in a beautiful apartment in the heart of Amsterdam.

Liza, we are very curious! Can you tell us a little bit more about your work and the role that interior plays?

“I have been working as a fashion and lifestyle photographer for a few years now. Besides that, I have been able to turn my Instagram into a business. Recently, I have started doing more interior photography and I am loving it. As a photographer I’m always thinking about composition. What I love about interior is that it’s also about composition. It’s about discovering how to use different objects, materials and colours to create a certain atmosphere, or to turn a living space into a home. I have been sharing photos of my interior on Instagram as well.”

Yes, we saw it! Your home looks beautiful. How would you describe your (interior) style?

“I would describe my interior as natural, contemporary, graphic and balanced. I always try to consider the interior as a whole. Does this piece fit the rest? Or does it bring more balance? I guess I look at an interior that same way as I look at a painting. Which composition is most pleasing to the eye? When does it excite me, and what might still be missing?

Did you always have an eye for this? How did you develop your style?

"My parents’ home was always a mix of design furniture and objects that they had collected over the years. So, from a young age I was surrounded by design. After a while, I started to get more interested in it myself. I think my interior reflects that. I love pairing modern design with warmer furniture pieces, like the dresser. One day, I hope to have my own interior collection – mostly with decorative objects."

Together with your boyfriend, you have created a beautiful home. What does ‘home’ mean to you?

The place where I love to spend most of my time – where I can find peace, search for inspiration and spend time with my boyfriend, the cats and soon... our baby! 


Pictured is the Dresser in oak wood with a natural (3062) finish and a black frame.

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