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HENK at home with Linda Tol

In our series ‘HENK at home' we visit people who inspire us to get a glimpse into their daily lives at home. This time we visited Linda Tol, who lives with her partner Renwe Jules and son Louie in the beautiful city of Haarlem. 
Linda, who works as an influencer and is the founder of her own sunglasses brand, became a mother six months ago just after moving from the busyness of Amsterdam to her new home in Haarlem with Renwe. Their home, a typical Dutch townhouse, is decorated with neutral tones, vintage pieces and timeless designs. 

Linda, besides a love for fashion, you also clearly have a passion for interior design. How would you describe your interior style? 

“I would describe my interior style as sophisticated, timeless and modern. I easily get tired of trend-sensitive items, so I prefer to buy pieces that aren’t on trend. For example, I had a set of pink crockery that got old after a few weeks and we stopped using it, so that’s what I try to avoid. Our house has a lot of neutral colours which are really peaceful and create a nice atmosphere to come home to. We also like to combine classics with vintage design. We have this old cupboard that once belonged to a biology classroom; but we left the cupboard as it was because its vintage look creates a nice contrast with the rest of our interior.”

What is your favourite place in the house?

“During the day we spend a lot of time at our dining table, and in the evening our favourite place is on our large corner sofa, the Cosy Sofa from Studio HENK. The sofa looks fantastic and fits our interior perfectly thanks to its colour. The most important thing for a sofa is that it can be a place to relax and unwind; which is certainly true of the Cosy Sofa. It's our favourite place to end the day together and watch a series with a cup of tea.” 

What do you find important when purchasing interior items? 

“Just like with my wardrobe, I like to invest in quality and timeless designs. It’s important to us that we can enjoy our furniture for a long time and that it looks beautiful. However, I also don’t think that a house should be like a showroom or a museum - I think it is really meant to be lived in. Especially now that we have a child at home, there are often toys everywhere during the day. The most important thing for us is that we feel at home and that our home feels cosy. Especially now that we are inside a lot, it has become even more important to have a nice interior.”

What does your day usually look like? Do you have any common rituals? 

“I usually start my morning in the kitchen with a cup of tea and breakfast. After showering, we all go downstairs and drink our first cup of coffee at around 11am with something tasty at the dining table. Renwe makes the best soy cappuccinos. He is developing his barista skills because he has plans to start his own coffee business. When Renwe isn't there, I'll go out to get a take-away coffee - as I usually need at least two coffees to get through the day. And then after some work, we like to take a walk together in the afternoon.” 

What is your life like now, compared to the period before Covid-19?

“For me, my pregnancy coincided perfectly with the lockdown, so it was actually quite convenient that I could use this time to rest. I used to be on a plane three times a week, either on my way to a fashion week or to an event, but I was starting to notice that it was a bit too much for my body. The measures forced me to take a rest during my pregnancy and of course that benefited the baby. However, I am also very homesick for Milan, where we lived for four years. I can't wait to see all of my Italian friends again and introduce them to Louie. Most of all though, it's great that we can spend a lot of time together as a family during this period. All of the clichés are true: every night I look forward to the next day when we can spend more time with our son.”
Are you inspired by Linda Tol’s lifestyle and interior? Create your own stylish seating area with the Cosy Sofa. The sofa has a fully modular design, available to customise in our webshop as a two-seater, three-seater or corner sofa. In this HENK at home, the Cosy Sofa can be seen in the fabric Olbia and the colour Sand03.

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