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HENK at home with Hanneke Tsujimaru

In our series ‘HENK at home' we visit people who inspire us to get a glimpse into their daily lives. This time we visited Hanneke Tsujimaru who lives with her husband Akira and two sons in a village in the middle of the Brabant meadows.

As an influencer and content creator, Hanneke Tsujimaru distinguishes herself on Instagram through her minimalist and down-to-earth style. We visited her beautifully decorated home in Brabant, where the Lean Lounge has recently become a part of her carefully curated interior.

Hanneke, what’s it like living in a quiet little village in Brabant?

"It’s great. We’ve lived here for about 3.5 years now and are still happy with this lifestyle every day. Our house is nice and spacious and we have a large garden. It’s so nice to hear the birds chirping in the morning and see the cherry tree blooming in our garden. There is always sun shining somewhere in our house and if I need the bustle of the city, I can easily drive up to Amsterdam.”

How are you finding the Lean Lounge?

“I really like the design and the special shape of the chair. It is also a really handy piece of furniture; you can easily move it which is perfect if, like us, you want to experiment to find it a permanent place. Sometimes it takes a while before you know where a piece of furniture really fits. The Lean Lounge is now on top of the landing of our stairs where I want to create a relaxation area: ideal for flipping through some magazines or reading a good book on a lazy Sunday afternoon.”

How would you describe your own taste?

“Clean and minimalistic. Sometimes I wish I could be a little less picky. I'm quite a perfectionist in my work on Instagram but I often hear that that is precisely my strong side. In terms of interior, I often opt for neutral colours, because I quickly get bored of bright colours. My house is also not always tidy with two children so I feel like it would become even more restless with colour added. The neutrals keep it nice and calm.”

What do you take into account when purchasing interior items?

“Of course I think the design and how a product looks is the most important thing, but I often have to make compromises. I live with three boys and they find comfort very important. With some items, such as our dining room chairs, I chose what I wanted, but when choosing our sofa we compromised for a slightly more comfortable piece.”

Inspired by Hanneke Tsujimaru's interior? Create your own stylish seating area with the Lean Lounge, which can be customised according to your own wishes. In this HENK at home, the Lean Lounge can be seen in the new sustainable fabric Soil in the shade Natural 01.

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